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Because of the violent period during jujutsu’s development, it emerged as one of the few Martial Arts that does not claim to be only a defensive art. The creators and following refiners of jujutsu were not so naïve as to believe that one should only strike out in response to an opponents attack. They recognized the theory that sometimes a good defence is a strong offence. “Ni sente nashe” (there is no first attack), which is the maximum of karate, has no place in Jujutsu. During the time of growth and development, over 700 styles of Jujutsu were recorded in Japan. However, most of these schools of Jujutsu differed in name only and not in substance or technique.




Under the feudal system of ancient Japan. Several military arts flourished among the Samurai. Among them was Jujutsu.  Because knowledge of these fighting arts meant survival to the warriors who used them, there was not much publicity or documentation given by the various schools. What records there where of the development of Jujutsu were probably lost or destroyed in 645 A.D. When the national archives of the regency of Taishi Shotoku was destroyed during the Taika takeover. Other sources do reveal, however, that while the striking techniques of Jujutsu were influenced by Ch’uan Fa (Chinese boxing), Jujutsu, for the most part, is indigenous to Japan.

Although the art of Jujutsu dates back thousands of years, the art actually began to blossom during the edo, or tokugawa era (1603-1867). With the increase popularity of Martial Arts tournaments and the many disputes between the deaimyos (minor lords of Japan), techniques were being developed and refined that would stand the true test of “no holds bared” tournaments. Schools were founded with systematic training methods, techniques were cataloged, in development was at an all time high.

"Japanese Jujutsu; The Art of the Samurai. They were the true bodyguards, Masters of many styles of Martial Arts; including the Sword, Katana" 

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